Stoyan Stefanov

Personal blog


Posts Tagged ‘guitar’

Django’s stairway

Friday, February 12th, 2010

I'm a fan of Django Reinhardt since.... a few weeks ago. See if you can hear his influence in the two short pieces below - they are sort of gypsy/jazzy, yet warm and fender-y, parts of Stairway to heaven. The second part if the Am-G-F solo at the end.

Django's Stairway
Django's Stairway 2

Jimi yodel

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

So Yahoo! is in the middle of a brand campaign. There's a whole Yodel studio, three actually, in NY, London and Mumbai, where people go and yodel with different background music. You can do too, online. The site even offers the downloadable background tracks for your mixing pleasure.

I couldn't just sit and watch, now could I? After all, I've helped the Yahoo brand before, why stop now. So I took the Blues background from here (the separate zipped tracks are here), dusted off the old axe and, too embarrassed to yodel vocally, did so with my wah-wah, in what I was hoping would resemble Jimi Hendrix style.

Here's the really short result piece, enjoy.
Jimi yodel

I got the flu’s blues

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

I switched to a Mac a few weeks ago, so still learning my way around it and today I tried to record a bit of a song in Garage Band. Pretty decent program, I would say. On Windows I was using Audacity. In any case, I don't have big requirements, I just want to be able to record two or more tracks and then mix them.

I've been sick for a few days, fever, sore throat, and feeling rather miserable. Hence the name of the song 🙂

I got the flu's

The song has two tracks - one lead guitar and one background - drums and second guitar. The drums and the guitar effect come from my simple processor. Seems like Garage Band has much more drums, so I'll probably be experimenting with those.

Here's an MP3 of the background only, without the lead guitar, in case you play an instrument and feel like improvising a blues in E-flat.

I got the flu's (no lead)

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