Stoyan Stefanov

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2 Responses to “Social”

  1. On Debdeep Chaudhuri said:

    I was reading your Object-Oriented JavaScript, the book is awesome. Thanks a lot for the very good and proper explanation. As i mainly work on C# , this book help me a lot to understand java script function & objects.
    Many thanks for such a nice informative book.

    Debdeep Chaudhuri.
    +91 9051571985
    skype: cdebdeep

  2. On Cristian Jujea said:

    Hi Stoyan. I’m a Developer going through your ‘Javascript Patterns’ book.

    You insist on readability and proper use of terminology, but use terms such “Init-Time Branching”. How about you just call it “Initialization optimization” !?

    In chapters 1 to 4, you are overconfident and use the term pattern to refer to simple best practices. This is actually blinds programmers from advancing from GoF patterns to other patterns equally important such as the patterns documented in the “Java Application Architecture” book.

    Otherwise, I really appreciate the Javascript expertise you share in your book and I am very grateful for it.

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